Once payment for your order is confirmed, you will receive a confirmation email including a summary of your order. Please ensure that all the details are correct. If there are any discrepancies, please contact us at: 803-865-2935 or email us at info@beautifulwindowselgin.com as soon as possible.
Once the as fabric is cut, it may not be possible to make any changes.
Curtains orders are processed and dispatched within 3-6 weeks and typically delivered within five days of dispatch. Most of our clients receive their packages within three weeks from the date of order, but if our pipeline happens to be busy – especially during the holiday season – we do ask for your patience and aim for delivery in four weeks.
If there are any delays due to non-availability of fabric, or holds by customs officials for inspection, we will send an email as soon as possible.
Swatches and Fabric: Typically delivered within 7 days of order.
Home decor fabric and curtain lining are ship with in twenty-four hours.
*We cannot deliver to PO Box numbers so please enter the full delivery address during the checkout process.
ALL our products require a signature for proof of delivery. After three attempts if no one is available to sign for delivery or the package is not collected from the depot, the shipment will be returned to sender so kindly do accept within the carrier’s timeframe as we do NOT bear the cost of return/refund in this scenario.