
How to Clean Your Curtains

Oct 04, 2022

How to Clean Your Curtains

No matter what you have in the house, a drape or curtains should be cleaned. If you don't know the difference between them, let me clarify. Both hung on the panel, but the drape hung from ceiling to floor, whereas curtains were just a few inches up from window to floor.

Some people feel laziness when it comes to cleaning drapes or curtains. Every piece of cloth must be cleaned regularly. It might be daily, weekly or monthly but make sure it should be regular.

The reason behind this is dirty curtains could vanish the look of dining, living or bedroom and could also cause allergy in the house. Now the question of concern is how to clean your curtain perfectly.

It depends on what type of fabric or design your curtain or drape contains. Because some only need vacuum cleaning, some need handwashing, while others might need machine washing.

The best way to know which way is perfect for your product is to read the instruction written on the tag attached.

Don't worry if you still get confused about which is the right How to clean your curtain. Because the instruction written down is only for you. So please have a look.

How to Clean Your Curtains Without Taking Them Down

  • By Skating
Guest are comping and need quick and most uncomplicated cleaning. In this condition, a simple way to clean a curtain is to shake them effectively. This will help to remove dust and debris. It will not remove all dust but most stardust.

  • By Brush

In the second case, there is no emergency, but you want to clean them quickly and get a cleaning brush. No, start it. Simply use the brush from the upside to the downside. It's an acceptable way to remove dust from hanging curtains.


  • By Vacuum

Now the last and most effective way to remove dust from hanging drapes is by using a vacuum; it will help remove dust, debris and even your pet hairs.

When would it be compulsory to visit a professional cleaner for my curtains?

Your visit to a professional would be mandatory when you have an expensive curtain or a curtain that is too complex to clean. A second case visit would be required when you precheck colourfastness by dipping hidden corners into detergent and adding warm water, and changes happen.

How to Clean Sheer Curtains

how to clean sheer curtains

Photo by Vecislavas Popa from Pexels
A sheer curtain is the number one choice for letting in sunlight in a gentle amount because fabric act as a diffuser. As we know, these are transparent, so dust can be more visible than other fabrics. It clearly expects more care than other ones. Let the process begin.


  • Sink into Cool Water and Wash

These sheer curtains submerge/sink into cool water in the washing machine. Now run the engine for 5 minutes after adding laundry detergent. After this just drained out the water.

  • Dry It

When the step dryness comes to, make sure to use heat in dryer insted only use air setting to dry your stuff.

  • Press to Reshape

    It's good to do iron to remove wrinkles in lengthways on the wrong side and gently stretch the fabric to stop the seams puckering.
    Note; Iron only those curtains were it recomend on the label.

    How to Clean Cotton Curtains or Drapes


    All cotton curtains are machine washable, but those must be unlined.

    • Treatment Before Actual Wash

    These types o curtains demand special care because they get dirty too quickly by our hand or dust comes from outside. So try to remove dust by brush or vacuum, and by chance it no works, then go for actual clean.

    • Give A Gentle Wash

    If the previous step doesn't work, washing will become necessary. Take your curtain and dip it in cool water for the delicate cycle with mild laundry detergent.

    •  Dry It

    Take the curtain from the washer and insert it into the dryer at low heat. So, it doesn't get damaged by heat.

    •  Iron to Reshape

    Iron is compulsory to remove wrinkles that come after wash. Otherwise, with the press, it will ruin the look.

    How to Clean Thermal or Blockout Curtains

    Thermal curtains are usually available in cotton, wool or polyester fabric with acrylic foam. On the other side, blackout curtains are made of tightly woven, double-lined fabric. Both curtains have an acrylic coating that could easily break without correct care.

    • Wash It

    Hand washing is the only better option for black or thermal curtains in case of more safety. Give a mild hand wash in cool water with laundry detergent. Avoid folding the acrylic coat because it may peel off when you unstick it.

    •  Dry It

    Don't dry it in the dryer to save it from being torn into pieces. Instead, dry under the shade naturally.

    Avoid using iron on high heat to save the acrylic layer from melting. You can hang it out for dryness. Then you can use iron on less heat to remove the remaining wrinkles.
